Having your own small business is a dream come true for many hard working individuals. They want the freedom of working on their own and doing things their way. In most cases there are years of working for someone else under their belt that they can draw experience from. There are more small businesses than ever with the ability to open one online as well. Credit cards are very important for every small business to have. This doesn't mean you use your personal credit card to buy what you need for the business. It means that you have at least one that is in the business name only. This is the perfect way to start establishing a solid credit history for your business. That allows lenders to take you and your business seriously. It shows responsibility for your business as well. It also shows that you are serious about making it successful and keeping it going for a long time into the future. Too many small businesses just don't stay open and that can worry both lenders and customers so you want to give them confidence your will make it. Even if you don't need to use the credit card, you should for some business related expenses. This way you can build up a history of buying things and paying them off. The secret is to do so before you get any interest rates tacked on though. The issuer of the credit card will see you are responsible and offer you better deals in the way of lower interest as well as increase your credit limit. You never want to rely on your business credit card to keep your business operational day to day though. If you are struggling to cover the basic expenses then your business is in serious trouble. Always be aware of any balance you have on your credit card and work to eliminate it. You need to be very careful about what you decide to charge on it as well. With a business credit card, you can get out from under the problem of relying on your personal credit to help the business. You don't want to risk losing your home or other assets should your business fail. Even the best plans for a successful business can turn out differently then you planned. You can always move on to another business or work for someone else. However, you don't want to ruin your personal credit in the mean time. Take your time to shop around for the right credit card for your type of business. Don't expect to get an unbelievable deal from the very start. New businesses are high risk so your rate of interest will be high. Yet if you pay the balance each month it won't hurt you. Find out what special perks they can offer you as well such as cash back rewards programs. Credit cards are very important for small businesses so get at least one in place as soon as you can. You never know when you will need to access that credit in a hurry. Even if you don't get the best terms or credit limit to start with, do what you can and work to improve from there. Establishing your business credit takes time but getting a credit card is a sure way to get the ball rolling. |
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