Rewards credit cards reward cardholders for using the card. In essence, the issuer offers you a financial incentive to buy and use them. The incentive is offered in terms of rebates, store discounts, points that can be redeemed for specific purposes and airline flyer miles. Choosing the rewards credit card that offers the rewards best suited to your needs is using your credit and your finances optimally. Frequent Flyer Miles It makes good sense for frequent air travelers to use a reward credit card that offers frequent flyer miles as a reward. These credit cards offer you points based on the amount of money you spend and the amount of airline miles you may purchase using that card. The best rewards credit cards offer you bonus points after initial purchases. If you have good credit, you can easily get a rewards credit card with a 0% introductory APR. Cash Back Rewards Cash back rewards give you bonus cash each time you use the rewards credit card at supermarkets, gas stations, etc. That way your rewards credit card gives you the option to spend the money as you please. The best rewards credit cards give up to 5% cash back and a 0% APR for up to 12 months. And to qualify for this type of card offer, you'll need to have pretty good credit. Some rewards credit cards give you the benefit of choice. You can choose either frequent flyer miles or cash back depending on your preference. The very best rewards credit cards give you up to 6% back on purchases and gas rebates. But those offers are few and far between. Very good travel insurance, accident insurance and auto rental insurance are some of the other perks you can expect. Entertainment Focused Rewards Credit Cards Some credit cards cater to people who frequent movie halls, restaurants and generally go out a lot. Special offers and promotions are also offered to the owners of these rewards credit cards. Backstage passes, free music downloads and guest benefits are only some of the ways owners of this type of rewards credit card will benefit. When applying for rewards credit cards remember that the best rewards credit cards are unique for each individual. Remember to take into account carrying costs of the card as well as details like the method of calculating interest. With the right homework and the right rewards credit card you may find yourself being able to take that perfect vacation... |
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