Use the card for the purchases, and pay a single type of interest in its balance without paying. Then the cash machine came, and the emitters of the credit card think they could lend money using credit cards, and could gain more by hiding a higher rate of interest.
Then the offer of low but long term or an introductory 0% balance transfer took place. Not to forget the diverse type of interest often loaded for the overseas use. All these diverse tariffs for diverse classes of use of the card can easily get to be confused, and the examination after the examination demonstrated that many users of the credit card were unconscious of how much will really cost to them for using a credit card. In the middle of all the confusion nevertheless, some emitters of the card stained an opening in the market - how on a simple credit card, easily understood without supplies or advantages, as soon as a single low tariff loaded nevertheless the card was used? These cards knew whereas the cards of flat tariff and their names reflected generally their transparency and facility to understand. And which is more, most of cards they can offer a great low APR because the emitters do not have to finance expensive distributions or introductory schemes of cashback.
Is so a flat tariff credit card for you? The advantages are obvious - it is easier to understand how much its use of the card is costing you, and you also will obtain generally a great tariff. If you have a balance to transfer, you can do that more sensibly with traditional 0% introductory or one that offers a low tariff it fixed for the life of the transference. Also, if you use your card for the purchases frequently but clear its balance every month then the rate of interest really does not pain you a lot and you can prefer a card with rewards or cashback scheme.
But if you make a lot of purchase using your credit card and carry the balance form one month to another instead of paying them off every month, a flat rate credit card would be the most suitable one for you. You have to choose a card from a lot of choices which can meet all your requirements.