Most people are now aware of the importance of credit reports in relation to their ability to get a line of credit, but few people actually know what's on those reports and what they can do to improve their ratings on it. We'll take a look at these things in-depth so you know what you're dealing with when it comes to credit reports.
First is your personal information, which ultimately isn't of great importance, unless of course that information is incorrect. If this is the case, you should contact the credit reporting agency immediately, as this could indeed affect your ability to get a loan. Next up is your open account information. This deals with credit cards accounts, and virtually any other billing source you currently have. The report will detail your credit limits in the case of credit cards, your balance remaining on those cards, and your payment history. This is probably the most important area of your report to lenders. If you notice anything on here that is out of place or erroneous, you should also contact the credit reporting agency. Next is mortgage information, which will detail your mortgage history. Pretty straightforward stuff in this section, which of course will be blank for any people without homes/mortgages. Next is collections or negative accounts history. This is another big area for lenders. These showcase any outstanding balances you owe to companies, namely ones that are largely overdue. Having anything in this area of the report could be devastating to your chances for getting a loan, so clearing these up if at possible if important. Again, if there's false or out-of-date information on here, the report agency should be notified. Judgments/Liens is next, and details any awards or claims you've filed and/or received through the court system. Liens that another person has on your property will also be displayed, including any resolutions of that lien. This is another area of the report that may be outdated, so keep your eyes on this section to make sure you're not being short changed. For many though, this section will be blank. Bankruptcy information is also displayed, and is not ideal for getting loans, but ultimately there's not much you can do in the case of having gone through this. Make sure the dates and other information are correct at the very least. Beneath each section is an area where you can update your information or comment on anything displayed in the area above. This is a great place to make your side of any story known or explain yourself regarding situations that led to whatever is mentioned above in your ">credit report. Correcting and updating old information is especially important, though steps should be taken to get it officially updated within the document itself, which should not prove to be much of a problem with the proper documentation. Credit reports will often cost money to obtain, but if you're serious about obtaining a loan or other line of credit, it's all but a necessity to take a look at it. Updating any old or false information and taking care of any debts on there that you may have otherwise forgotten about long ago, like a small fee owed to a music or book club for example, will go a long way towards your ability to receive a loan in the future. |
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