Anyone who really needs money in a hurry must carefully consider whether they should apply for a so called fast loan or Sofortkredit as it is known in Germany. In practice, this does not simply mean the customer has only to complete a cursory application before receiving the money the same day but it does get things moving a lot quicker.
Normally a Sofortkredit sees the applicant receiving funds within a few days as opposed to weeks. If the application is approved the monies are transferred across to the nominated account swiftly.
An online comparison portal is an ideal means to compare the various providers of Sofortkredit in Germany. Applicants details have only to be entered once and the system will quickly interpret the data entered and highlight the best deals available.
Like other kinds of Kredit, the Sofortkredit can be applied for in a variety of amounts up to a very considerable sum with payback times typically extending through to 72 months. Obviously such flexibility helps ensure that monthly payments are kept to a manageable amount and are not a cause of fiscal anxiety.
The other major advantage of an online fast loan, apart from the shorter processing and approval times, relates to their consistently low interest rates (Zinsen). These good rates are available due to the lower overheads incurred by providing an online service and are a real boon to the financially literate borrower. However an application for credit made online certainly does not mean that the consumer is deprived of sound advice. Providers themselves often offer advice either per email or hotline. Furthermore, the better comparison sites are happy to offer their expert council gratis.