We encounter a situations where in money is required urgently but the next payday is few weeks later quite often. If you are stuck in a situation like this then instant payday loans is what you should go for. These loans provide you enough money to cover unexpected expenses that occur during the middle of a month. They are open to everyone be it a homeowner or a tenant, a bad credit borrower or a person having good credit status.
These loans are unsecured loans and can be availed without placing any collateral against the loan amount. They are short term loans and are offered to fulfill your monetary requirements until your next payday. Bad credit borrowers can also avail the benefits.
People suffering from bad credit history due to arrears, defaults, CCJ, IVA, bankruptcy etc can also avail the benefits of payday loans in an instant but the interest rate is very high for them.
There are certain conditions that you must fulfill in order to avail them. You must have a full time job and regular source of income. You will have to submit the details of your last three pay slips to the lender and also your job proof
Amount and interest
The loan amount that can be availed ranges from ? 100 to ? 1500. The repayment duration ranges from 2 - 4 weeks. You can of course extend your repayment duration by paying some extra money to the lender but that is not advisable because this way you may get trapped in debt circle. Instant payday loans carry very high interest rate compared to other traditional loans. High interest rate is subject to the short term and unsecured nature of instant payday loans.
There are many banks, financial institutions and lending firms that offer instant payday loams. To avail instant payday loans all you need to do is apply for it.
Instant payday loans are ideal for meeting unexpected expenses like medical urgencies, car repair, electricity bill, paying loan installments and so on. These loans are approved very easily and within very short period of time.