The healthcare industry is experiencing unprecedented shortages due to the baby-boomer generation reaching retirement age. Individuals are leaving the workforce at record pace, leaving hospitals nationwide short of staff. At the same time, retirees require three times the healthcare services. As a result, healthcare recruiting services are in high demand. Associate Healthcare Recruiter's Software: If you decide you want to take the easy path of the HealthCare Recruiting Business and become an Associate Healthcare Recruiter, our software will provide you over 1200 listings of Licensed HealthCare Recruiters through the United States to negotiate a split fee agreement with. The idea of become a Great Associate Healthcare Recruiter lies in the network that he or she develops. United States has a nursing shortage, one that promises to grow to alarming proportions. Too many nurses are retiring, and too few are entering the profession. To compound the problem, within the next 5 to 10 years, over 76 million Baby Boomers are scheduled to retire from the workforce, with only about 44 million Generation X'ers available to pick up the slack. This will soon place unprecedented demands for health care agency services / home care agency services on a system that is already stretched thin. The problem is not limited to hospital nursing. Today, there is also a critical shortage of nursing faculty. As a result, thousands of qualified men and women who want to enter the field are being turned away by the nation's schools of nursing. Are you ready to start a nursing agency business for the upcoming 76 million Baby Boomers? You don't have to be a nurse to start or establish a Nursing Agency, Nurse Registry, Nurse Staffing Agency, Nursing Home, Healthcare Staffing Agency, Homecare Agency Business. Our package covers a comprehensive guide to get you started. Keep in mind that the Nursing Business is the only industry where there will always be a shortage. There is never a fear for competition. Now is the right time for any ambitious nursing entrepreneur to tap into this multi-billion dollar industry and start a nursing company. Get our packages now and you can be in business in less than a week. for more info:
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