When looking for an instant loan, there is no need for you to rush to your friends or relatives as they may not help you in time. Better, explore the option of taking out cash advance loans. These are especially made to salaried people without many enquiries and hence the loan approval comes within hours. The loan amount gets deposited in the borrower's bank account within 24 hours.
Only salaried people are eligible for these loans. The sole parameter is that you must be drawing a fixed monthly salary for at least past six months. You should have an active bank checking account as well.
You are eligible to borrow anywhere from ?100 to ?1500 for two weeks. The repayment has to be made on due date at the time of getting next paycheqe. The loan approval comes without any security offer from the borrower. But the loan usually comes against a post dated cheque from the borrowers. The cheque consists of the borrowed amount and fee on it.
You must know beforehand that are costly for salaried people. There is very high fee involved on each ?100 borrowed, which results in high fee payments on total amount of the loan. Clearly, you should take out the loan for urgency only.
However, one advantage is that you will get the cash advance without any credit checks. This means that the urgent money is instantly in your hands, despite your bad credit history. What is more, you have this advantage of improving your credit score on repaying the loan in time.
Make comparison of different cash advance loans offers, which you can locate on internet. It is advisable to borrow the money from online lenders as they are known for comparatively lower fee on these loans. Avoid extending the loan as it will make the repayment further burdensome.