Are you in the midst of an unexpected financial crisis? Are you in a situation where you cannot afford to lose time on documentation and faxing the papers? Then, the fax less cash advance is the best solution for you.
Features of the loan
Fax less cash advance is financial tool which offers you quick loans with minimal documentation to help you tackle your financial crisis. These loans are short term loans wherein you are required to refund the loan amount within two weeks or 15 days. This can be extended up to two months by paying extra interest. Amounts between ?500 and ?1000 can be availed using these loans, depending on the monthly income and repaying ability of the borrower. The interest rates are higher than other loans.
Fax less cash advances is open to all kinds of borrowers irrespective of their credit ratings, since the lenders do not perform any credit check. The process is a completely online one. So there is absolutely nothing to fax, making it a fax less and paperless process. Therefore, the fax less cash advance is easily and quickly availed.
Availing the loan
Availing a fax less cash advance is an easy process. The whole transaction is done online, so it is completely fax less and a lot simpler. The borrower has to apply online by filling an application which will be available in the lender's website. The basic details like your income and employment status have to be submitted. The details are verified using the main server and if found correct, the loan is sanctioned immediately. The cash is credited to your checking account electronically within 24 hours of approval.
&bullQuick and easy process
&bullFax less transaction
&bullImmediate approval
&bullQuick deposit of cash
&bullAvailable to bad credit holders too