When someone needs money for paying off a medical bill or any other urgent expense, then the help should be available without delay. If you can not find the money from relatives or friends, then instant cash advance loans can come to your rescue. But, you must avoid the pitfalls as well, in taking out the loan.
You have to be currently in a job. Some lenders want that you should be drawing a monthly salary of at least $1000. These loans are made to adult citizens of the US, who should also have an active bank checking account in their names.
These are called instant loans because the loan is approved within hours of making the application. Consequently, you can receive the borrowed amount within next business day in your bank checking account.
Usually, the lenders take your office phone number for verifying details of your salary and employment. Some lenders give these loans against a post-dated cheque of the borrowed amount. Others simply ask for your permission for taking the loaned amount from your bank account on due date.
Instant cash advance loans can give you $100 to $1000, depending on your monthly salary. The borrowed money is approved for two weeks, allowing you to repay it from next paychqe.
A disadvantage associated with these loans is high cost. These loans are known for a high interest rate, which may go up to 30 percent. And, if you extend the repayment, the rate will be exorbitant. Clearly, you should opt for these loans to combat urgency only.
Approval of these loans is smoother even if you have late payment, arrears or defaults in your named. Often, the loan does not involve credit-checks on the borrowers.
It would be a wise step to compare different offers of on internet. You can find some of these offers at comparatively lower rate. Make sure that you keep enough amounts in your bank at the time of repaying the loan.