Top 10 Signs Youre Being Hyped!

By: salauto
Definition of Hype - Exaggerated or extravagant claims made especially in advertising or promotional material.

mmmmm... sound familiar?

There certainly seems to be an awful lot of 'hype' around on the internet. Especially when someone is trying to sell you a product related to internet marketing.

So here's my (tongue in cheek) countdown of the top ten signs you're being HYPED!

10. You decide to scroll down to the end of the sales page to find out the price. After 10 mins of scrolling you take a coffee break, then 15 mins later you wonder if you have stumbled across the internet equivalent of the bottomless abyss, finally another 5 mins later you hit the bottom!

9. There are 103 testimonials listed even though the product was only released yesterday!

8. There are only 250 copies being released and already there's only 147 left .... no, make that 99 .... no, 56 .... no, 17 .... no, this is the very last one so quick; buy it now, buy it now, buy it now!!

7. The product's creator / author has many "internet marketing friends" who think he's selling it waaaaayyyyy too cheap!

6. You've been lied to and scammed before but really, truly, honestly this product really, truly, honestly will make you a million dollars in the next year!

5. This is only an experimental price to "test" the market. The price will go up soon, in fact at any time, maybe while you're sitting there reading this, so quick; buy it now, buy it now, buy it now!!

4. If you buy this product today, in fact this very minute, they will throw in $5,987 worth of free bonuses which you will never use, never read and which were out of date 3 years ago!

3. Once you've purchased this wondrous new e-book / software / program you can set it up in 5 mins and rake in thousands of dollars a week while doing no work at all!

2. There are dollar signs plastered all over the website along with pictures of luxury cars, yachts, mansions and graphics of bank accounts with huge entries in them - all of this will be yours if you just pay $47 for this miracle new product!

1. Against your better judgement you decide to purchase this new wonder product which you've been convinced will do everything from making you rich to curing your baldness and the moment you get to the next page you see... ONE TIME ONLY OFFER FOR JUST $197, YOU'LL NEVER GET THIS CHANCE AGAIN... anyone feel like screaming?

Perhaps the most frustrating thing is that if you're anything like me, you've fallen for it at least once, if not more. You know you're being hyped but there's that small voice in your head saying "maybe this time it's true" or "if only a quarter is true, then it will be a great product"!

I say, internet consumers unite against hype! Don't fall for it. That's why they keep using it! Make them tell us the truth for a change. Let's face it, if a retailer tried to sell us on their products in the same way, their credibility would go down the drain.

So here starts my campaign for at least a modicum of honesty in internet marketing!

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