In the present circumstances where everyone is struggling with mounting debts, it is very common to have credit problems. Moreover the lenders in particular do not refrain from offering monetary aid even if you suffer from bad credit. So now you can very well access financial aid to meet your needs with the help of Very Bad Credit Loans. These loans are designed for only those individuals who had repeatedly made mistakes while paying their past debts.
Due to the failure while dealing with previous debts you face a lot of credit problems such as CCJs, IVA, arrears, defaults etc. not only this your credit score is greatly and plunges into a all time low. To obtain the loan amount in a hassle free way, you have to submit documents such as employment and income proof to convince the lender that you are eligible for the loans.
These loans are offered usually in secured and unsecured form. The secured form of the loans are collateral based where in you have to pledge asset such as home, property, car etc as collateral. The presence of the collateral makes the lender risk free and you are offered comparatively low rates. This option is preferable in case you are looking for a bigger amount. Along with it, the repayment term too is long and lasts for a period of 5- 25 years.
If you are a tenant, non homeowner or a student and do not have any asset to pledge as collateral, then unsecured option of the loans fits you perfectly. Homeowners too who do not want to pledge any asset can apply for the loans. Under this loan scheme, a limited amount is offered for a short repayment term of 6months - 10 years. Interest rate levied will be slightly higher considering the bad credit status and unsecured nature of the loans.
You can source very bad credit loans from various lenders based in the financial market. However, before availing it you should compare the various quotes. In this regard, you can also take the help of online mode. By applying online, you can access these loans at comparatively low rates. Ensure to repay the amount by making regular payments. This will assist you to improve the credit score and to retain your financial standing.