Information Marketing Business

By: otayiz
If you're considering building a business for additional income, part-time or full time, I believe your best option is building an information marketing business. Here are my top reasons:

1) You have no limits on your income

With most other business the more time you spend, the more you earn. And because you have a limit on your time, you limit your income also.

When you build a profitable marketing system, every time you put in 1$ to marketing you make 2, 3, 5 or even 10 dollars. Spend more on marketing, and you earn more.

2) You have high profit margins.

When you buy an information you don't pay for the cost of paper and ink, but for the positive impact that information might bring to your life.

How much would an day trader be willing to pay a winning stock tip? Thousands? Would he care if it is hand written on a napkin?

That's the beauty of it. They can easily be sold for 10 times the cost.

3) You don't have to create the product or be the expert yourself.

Do think it would be hard work to create a product?

Good news is, you don't have to create the product your self. You can interview an expert. The recording is a product. You can also license other people's products to resell.

The product is the easy part. The hard part is marketing.

4) Your business can run on autopilot, even while you sleep.

You can set up your marketing systems so that they run automatically. A sale can be made on-line when you're asleep or even at a holiday.

That's the same for offline sales, too. You can outsource everything. There are people who will take your orders on the phone for you, duplicate your products and ship them.

5) It has low start-up costs

You can start with a 10 page "report" that you write, buy the cheapest classified ad on local newspaper, and sell it for $5. I bet you can start it for less than $100.

One of the health newsletters I'm a subscriber of costs $67 per year, and it consists of 8 pages of information sent monthly.

6) It requires no license, education etc.

It takes years to be doctor and open your own clinic. You can decide today to become an information marketer, and you're in business today. Find a market, research what they want, and sell it to them. Easy.

7) You work once, get paid over and over again.

Sure, it takes some work to create a product, set up marketing... But you get paid for it again and again, as long as you can sell it.

It beats trading hours to dollars, even at high paid jobs. $100,000/yr makes $50/hr. If you sell a product for $100, 1000 sales a year beats that, because it can be done -very- part time.

8) You can do it anywhere in the world.

You can be anywhere in the world earning money. In fact, you can be on vacation in Hawaii and you'll still be earning money.

9) You can do it on any economic climate.

It is recession and depression proof. In every market, there are people willing to buy information. "How to make sure your business survives depression" "How to find a job while everyone else is waiting on the line"... Just a few ideas...

10) It's a business you can be proud of.

Sure, there are other ways to make lots of money fast. Like robbing a bank or printing counterfeit money. However, information marketing is the closest thing to printing your own money, without being illegal or immoral.

You're really doing people a favor by providing them the information they want.

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