Motorola ROKR E8 – An Awaited Gadget from Motorola

By: Samuel Herrick

The ROKR E8 from Motorolahas become the most talked about gadget, even though it hasn’t been launched sofar. Announced in the end quarter of last year, the handset will soon hit themarket place. With dimensions of 115 mm x 53 mm x 10.6 mm and a weight of just100 g, the handset would be a convenient and light gadget to be carried in yourpurse, pocket or hands. The ROKR E8 is going to be another star in the ROKRrange of phones from Motorola, as the phone is said to posses a stunning lookand a TFT screen that’s capable of showing 256,000 colours and has theresolution of 240 x 320 pixels. Besides the looks, the handset has got adynamic memory. Apart from the internal memory of 2GB, external memory of upto4GB is also there so you don’t have to worry about the memory of your phone.You can easily roam across the world as the handset automatically switchesbetween GSM Quad 950, 1800, 850, and 1900 modes.

Using this handset isreally enjoyable for those who love music, games, and capturing shots thatattract them. The ROKR comes with a 1600x1200 pixel camera that lets youcapture your favourite shots or record the desired footage. You can store thevideo for later viewing or sharing with others. Besides? the camerafeature, you have the FM radio and music player that let you enjoy listening toyour favourite music channel and favourite music whenever you wish to. Thegames that come pre-installed let you have fun while you are out or sittingidle at home.

Now you don’t need toworry about making calls every time you wish to contact your family, friends orcolleagues as the messaging service (that includes the MMS, SMS, IM, and email)incorporated in this gadget lets you stay connected to others without actuallyrequiring to make a call. This Bluetooth enabled phone provides you with easyconnectivity to other Bluetooth compatible devices. The handset also supportsEDGE, GPRS, HSCSD, Infrared, and USB connectivity. Besides this, you can stayconnected to the web while on the move as this gadget comes with WAP internetbrowser.

The handset has got allthe features that can be looked for in a latest mobile handset. It’s got a hugememory, smart casingArticle Search, optimum performance output and what not.


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