There are many ways that a webmaster is able to generate an additional income from their web site and in this short article I am going to talk about a few ways possible.
Many web sites today display advertising one way or another and this can be a very easy way to earn money from your web site. Today there are many companies offering generous revenue sharing programs that pay the web site owner for showing their advertisements.
As a webmaster you can either choose to run your own advertisement program or you can you your web site to display ads from other advertising companies that will share their profit with you.
Once such company which many web sites now use is Google, they offer a generous pay out rate for every click of one of their ads on your web site. The advantage of using Google is that they provide targeted advertising based on the content of your web site and therefore your visitors are more likely to click on one of these ads.
An example of this type of advertising can be seen on Web Hosting complete ( which is a web hosting forum site. Generally he Google ads shown are relevant to the sites content of web hosting. Showing targeted ads can increase the revenue of your ad spaces and in turn increase your profits.
Affiliate Programs
Affiliate programs are another revenue sharing opportunity, you as the webmaster advertise another company's services and normally for every sale you refer you will receive a percentage.
You advertise the companies' product on your web site to your visitors, and when they click these ads, instead of being paid for the click if the visitor makes a purchase you will receive a percentage of this.
The average pay out of most affiliate programs is around 10% - 45%, so if you choose companies relevant to your content with high value product you can extra a fair amount from advertising another companies products each month.
These are two main ways in which you can earn extra money from your web site, there are many other ways how you can generate money however I feel that these are the easiest and most successful ways.