When you want to obtain a position as a corporate flight attendant, you will realize that they are very few advertisements for jobs of this nature. Well. You might ask, how does one manage to get hired in one of the corporate flight attendant positions because this job does exist. You do have to keep your ears open so that if you hear of such a position you can submit your resume right away.
You cannot just get a job as a corporate flight attendant right out of high school.. This type of jobs requires experience as a flight attendant with a major airline. Airlines used to hire people in these positions and train them in their own schools, but now they look for candidates that have college or university training. This is because of the nature of the job that requires them to be able to work in a stressful situation when weather is rough and passengers become distraught. You also have to have a good nerve to work in this profession and be able to handle emergency situations and crashes.
Knowledge of FAA regulations is also essential because whether you are a regular flight attendant or a corporate flight attendant, your primary duty is the safety of the passengers on the aircraft. You must be fluent in the language of the country in which the company is based as well as one of more of the languages of the countries in which the corporation conducts business.
Once you are established in the profession and have a job with a major airline, then you can be on the lookout for a well paid position as a corporate flight attendant. This means you should be able to make cold calls to potential employers that you find out may be interested in hiring attendants. This can also mean calling friends who know of such positions and they can keep their ears open for possible employment for you.
Attending conferences and meetings will also bring you into contact with people who are in the know of such positions. You can even frequent places where you know pilots hang out and then by getting to know them you can put the word out that you are looking for such a job. The pilots of corporate aircraft will know if their employers are hiring attendants for their jets.
Local airports also sponsor seminars at various times of the year when they invite corporations and those who use the airport for their private planes. Attending these functions will also put you in contact with owners of jets who just may be interested in your skills.
If you have culinary skills in combination with your flight attendant training, you will be in a good position to get hired for this type of job. This is because preparing meals will be part of your job, and not just ordinary meals. The meals served on these aircraft re gourmet meals. Having knowledge of wines and being able to make the plates look very attractive is also a bonus.