Truth in Advertising

By: Kevin Browne

Truth in Advertising. Real truth in advertising. Not probable, sketchy truths that just get by high priced lawyers who have their careers are on the line.

I am talking here about advertising that is real. Advertising that has an ability to be so genuine and so front and center that the prospects who read it become enamored with (product goes here) without ever having to see it or touch it or smell it.

I am talking about advertising that is so honest, it allows the would-be purchaser to look into the 'eyes' of the seller and decide for themselves that this person is someone to be trusted and that I should pop my Visa out of my leather wallet and buy from this person.

That is great advertising...and it is making a comeback...but NOT where you might think.

Television commercials and radio campaigns and print pieces and banner ads launched by the majority of the advertisers on the planet find ways to couch the truth into a series of benefits or features that almost make the truth insignificant.

These advertisers do not care about the fact that the car you're about to buy probably will need big time service every $26,000 miles or so (because that is REALLY how car companies make their the service bays).

But they are willing to talk about the navigation system...and the reclining heated seats and the ice cream machine that comes as an option to keep the kids quiet on those long drives.

But what if web owners had a way to REALLY get into what makes them tick to the prospects who drop by for their virtual visits? What if there was a resurgence in the level of honesty that web owners were willing to put forth, knowing that by doing so they endear themselves to potential buyers???

Turning buyers into customers!

What if something that cool was going on...right now...while you read.

Would it make you want to read more?

Need proof? Okay, how about this. How about I tell you about a 100% free online people search engine.

I just advertised something that on the outside looks impossible. Until you try it.

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