What To Consider When Starting Your Internet / Home Business

The first and most important thing about starting up a business, any business, is making it possible for customers to find you. The second and probably just as important is having a strong, solid primary business. After that the rest is advertise, explore, advertise, learn, advertise, consistency, and did I mention – advertise?!

How do you make it possible for your customers to find you? On the internet, your address is your domain name. A domain name is the part of the address that comes after the www. With the never ending growth of the internet, dot.com domains, as well as others such as dot.org, domain names continue to sell by the millions. There are currently more than 20 million dot.com domains and more than 34 million total domains registered worldwide. Experts are estimating that there will be more than 500 million domain names registered in the next ten years. Some experts are even predicting that every personal computer will eventually have its own domain name. Wow! These numbers are huge and they continue to grow at an astronomical rate!

In the late 90’s, the dot.com business was beginning to take off and so many internet companies began to appear everywhere. Most companies were focusing on the internet Content, Banner Ads, etc., while the Founders of GDI were focusing on other extensions to domain names. They ultimately decided on the domain extension dot.ws, which belongs to the tiny island nation of Samoa. With the dot.com domains being so popular and for the most part, used up, it was virtually impossible to find the name you wanted still available. Who would have thought the lack of dot.com availability would have taken GDI and it’s founders to the top? Part of their success was in branding the .ws to signify “WebSite". Simply brilliant because everyone knows what a web site is.

GDI was launched in early 2000 and by November of 2000, they had already sold over 100,000 dot.ws registrations. Not just to business owner’s like you or myself, but to major companies like Cisco, Intel, Yahoo, Dell Computers, and other major companies in over 180 countries.

There is no limit to their future success. GDI has no competition in the network marketing industry. They are the only company that has the ability to market dot.ws domain names. There are no geographical or income limits with GDI.

Just like the toll free 800 numbers have been used up; and then came 888, 877, etc., dot.com is all but used up too. My selected name was taken at dot.com, but it was available at dot.ws, and now I own it for life! WWW.BETTERLIFESTYLE.WS.

GDI is stable and debt free! They were recently named number 37 on Inc. magazine’s list of the top 500 fastest growing companies (the “Inc500 List") and number 5 in the state of California. The founders have also been featured on the cover of Entrepreneur magazine.

There is nowhere you can get your own Domain Name, Website, Website Builder, URL Forwarding, Hosting, Website Parking, Name Server Provisions, Customer Support, Web Mail, Email Forwarding, POP, IMAP and 10 of your very own email addresses. WOW – everything you need to start your internet business and all of this for only $10 dollars a month! What’s even greater about GDI is; when you refer others to us, they will pay you for the referral and provide you with an “Income for Life". But…before you even spend a dime, GDI welcomes you to their site for FREE! For seven days you can visit their site, secure your domain name, build your own website with their website builder (just like my site) and explore virtually every aspect of what GDI has to offer and where they are headed.

GDI is my primary business and you can see why. They are team builders because team = success. With success backing me, I will only succeed. GDI not only covers your basic business needs, but they can provide you with an INCOME.

If you are starting your own internet and/or home business, as I stated earlier, you want a strong, solid primary business. Once that is established, branch out, explore the possibilities. With GDI you get both; the customer’s accessibility to you and their companies strength. “The Sky’s the Limit!" I almost forgot – Advertise! These are the keys to an online and/or home business.

If you missed out on the dot.com boom, be a part of what many major companies have already joined. Here are more companies you may be familiar with that are registered with dot.ws: Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., AT&T, Hormel Foods Corp., BMW, Hershey’s Food Corp., Lucent Technologies, Bose Corp., Wells Fargo, Eastman Kodak Company, Bank of America, UPS, and many more.

My road to success and financial freedom is inevitable. Join me in success! Visit my website at www.betterlifestyle.ws to find out more information about the now company of the future – GDI. Let me help you with your success. I will share my business secrets and together with GDI we will be a part of the internet growth that is exploding.
Home Businesses

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