Many people starting their small scaled business with low revenue can not think of having an office of their own at a reputed location. Likewise, businessmen living outside UK willing to set up a business in UK get difficulties in finding a place where they can have all kind of formal communication. Registered office comes here greatly in handy. According to Companies Act of UK, even one or two persons can open a company of their own. But, each companies must have a office that is registered, so that they can have official communication with government.
Having a registered office doesn't only imply that you need it barely to have formal communication with government officials.
Having such an address helps you to have this address on your letterhead, which is used as formal communication with other companies, clients and customers. This is the address where you are sent legal matters, official letters, manuals from companies, etc. Thus, it is important that your office has a valid postal address. It ensures you a better formal and official communication. And also make sure that whatever the letters and manuals you are getting from government offices and companies, you get it intact and reply it on time.
The second advantage of having a office which is recognised is that it helps you heightening corporate image of your company. By owning a registered office, you are free to have an office address of any location you wish. You can even choose having an office address at a reputed location, which definitely gives your office a good impression. Having an office address at a prestigious office location makes a good image of your company in eyes of your clients, customers and companies associated with you. A good corporate image, ultimately, leads your company to receive a boost in sells and benefits.