Home Mortgage Buyers

By: Kristy Annely

Surf the net and you will find innumerable companies offering mortgages for financing your homes. While this may seem tempting especially if you are in desperate need to buy a house, a thorough study of the loan programs available in the market will stand you in good stead. This means you should study the pros and cons of each program. Also, you should decide upon the locality that suits your requirements and drive down the neighborhood to get a first hand idea of the prevalent rates. This can be possible by interacting with people who have recently bought property there.

Three programs are available for home loans. The first involves monthly installments spread over a period of 30 years, meaning that you'll have to pay 360 installments in all to pay off the loan. Another option is the 15 years program, which means 180 monthly installments to be paid over a period of 15 years.

The third is the adjustable rate loan program, which involves an initial low rate of interest for a specific period and then adjusted as per the market rate. Deciding upon the right loan program is not the only feature you need to consider while opting for home loans. You have to consider your own financial situation because you can get home loan up to 80%. This means you have to make a down payment of 20% of the price of the property.

Yet, there is a way out for this also. If you don't have the required 20% you can buy private mortgage insurance or PMI as it is generally called. But, if you buy PMIs, you will again have to make a small down payment and small monthly installments till the amount is paid off.

You must remember that before approving a loan, an independent appraiser will survey the property and provide you an estimate of the property and its current value. This is because lenders will lend up to a certain percentage of the property. Moreover the financing company will also run a check on your assets and income in order to ensure your ability to pay back the loan. Also, they will study your credit card report to know your credit history and your financial status before approving your loan.


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