Australian Christmas Traditions
In Australia, Christmas is snowless and it is hot! Snow for us is in June. Below are some of Australian Christmas traditions being at at the southern end of Earth.
- The Irony of no Snow & Christmas cards
Even though there is no snow, in Australia many of us still write cards with snow and ice scenes, people ice-skating on frozen lakes and pictures of cute reindeers.
- Sorry, No reindeers and sleighs for us
Here, Santa will melt from the heat wearing his red winter woolies, his reindeer would die of heat exhaustion working in such sweltering heat! And there are no reindeers here, only large kangaroos.
Our version of Santa here will be Santa pulling a surfboard wearing sunscreen, board shorts and hat, zipping through the southern skies. He is the man!
- Santa Here is always in a Utility Vehicle!
A far cry from the drunk Santa I remember riding in the back of a utility vehicle in the country many years ago. Last seen swigging on a long neck (tall bottle of beer) trying to articulate “ho ho ho and a Merry Christmas to all” as the utility vehicle slowly drove down each street in my neighborhood.
- Carols by Candlelight are a tradition ‘down under’ during the weeks leading up to Christmas at many venues around towns and cities of Australia.
- It only gets hotter
As Christmas Day closes in the temperature continues to rise as does the humidity here in Brisbane. You know Christmas is here when you start hearing the continuous shrill sounds of cicadas (large winged insect) on hot, cloudless days.
Our Christmas Food?
Many Australians still insist on cooking the turkey as well as roast vegetables and gravy in this stifling heat. Some like me prefers fruitcake and custard. Afterall not everyone has air conditioning here, so a cool breeze is often top of the wish list.
Popular Traditional Christmas lunch the Australian Style
- 1) Shrimp BBQ
Shrimp for the barbecue with on ice with lemon wedges.
- 2) Fresh Fish from the market.
They arrive very early here. If you never had this experience before you will know what I mean when you do.
- 3) The Aussie Salad
Tossed green Salad, bowl of beetroot with onion & asparagus.
- 4) Sausages, lamb chops.
Lamb cutlets if you can afford it.
After lunch Activities
- 1) Beach towel, togs, thongs, sunscreen, cricket bat and ball.
thongs mens it includes cheap rubber open sandals, togs: bathing costume.
- 2) Head to an esky full of beers.
Esky is places receptacle to alcoholic drinks – on occasion you may get lucky and find room for other items but don’t get too excited);
- 3) A few bottles of drink coolers for the girls. Wine for the more refined and more beers for the esky.
Boxing Day The Australian Way
With lunch done, we look forward to our great Australian Christmas tradition of spending Boxing Day watching the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, The Boxing Day Test cricket at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), or by spending the day lazing at home or spending it down the beach.
Merry Christmas and safe holidays everyone from Australia.