Put Teeth into Internet Fraud Complaints

By: Guy Hartmann

You've been scammed on the internet - now what? You paid for and never received the promised merchandise or services? Additional charges were placed on your account? You can put teeth into your complaints. If you have been a victim of these or any other type of internet scam or fraud, you can contact IC3 at http://ifccfbi.gov/index.asp to report it. IC3 is a partnership between the FBI & National White Collar Crime Center.

A valid complaint can put their tremendous resources on your side.
Note: It is important that you have the original email & any following emails plus any other documentation when reporting scams.

A good example of what to report is if you have received an email promising that you have won a MicroSoft X-box - if you have - DELETE IT !! There have been many complaints about fradulent spam regarding this. Victims have never received the X-Box and sometimes have had additional charges put on their cards. The old addage rings trueFind Article, if it's too good to believe then it's probably not true.

Your best protection is to check out any offers or prizes BEFORE you give them your account information as "free lunches" usually turn out to be the most expensive.

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