Thank you for reading this article, we will explore 6 low cost gifts sets you can make with gourmet food. The below gifts are designed to be hand delivered, if you plan on shipping them add additional packing materials to cushion the items.
1 - Tea Gift
Items Needed: Two small boxes of gourmet tea, a teaball, bow, gift tag and 1" decorative ribbon.
Stack the two boxes of tea and carefully tape the teaball to the top box using clear tape. Wrap the ribbon four ways around the box ending at the top and tie or add a bright bow and gift tag.
2 - Coffee Gift
Items Needed: Large decorative coffee cup, small bag of gourmet coffee, 3 or 4 packs of flavored creamer that you do not have to keep cold, empty coffee can and a bow.
File the edge of the coffee can till smooth, place the coffee cup inside the coffee can, add the packets of creamer inside the coffee cup and the bag of gourmet coffee on top. Use white tissue paper around coffee cup to keep it from breaking.
Put plastic lid back on coffee can, add a gift tag and bow to the top.
3 - Salsa Gift
Items Needed: Large plastic snack bowl, individual serving size of chips and a bottle of gourmet salsa.
Place chip bags into bowl, wrap the salsa bottle with tissue paper, tie off the top with curling or decorative ribbon, place in bowl. Place bowl in a large decorative gift bag or wrap with gift warp tie off top with ribbon, add a bow and gift tag.
4 - Pretzel Gift
Items Needed: Individual serving size bags of pretzels, a large empty pretzels bag, a bottle of pretzel dip.
Wrap dip in decorative paper tie off with ribbon, place bags of pretzels into large bag add the pretzel dip. Trim off the top, gather the top and ties off with decorative ribbon. Add a bow and gift tag to the front of the bag.
5 - Salad Dressing Gift
Items Needed: Small box or bag of croutons, gourmet salad dressing, jar of dried bacon, salad bowl, large gift bag or gift wrap and salad thongs.
Warp salad dressing and jar of bacon in decorative paper and tie off with ribbon. Add bag or crouton, dressing and bacon into bowl. Wrap bowl in gift wrap, separately wrap thongs and attach to the top of the bowl, add ribbon and gift tag.
6 - Chocolate Spoon Gift
Items Needed: 3 or 4 chocolate spoons, fabric ribbon, curling ribbon, old chocolate tin or small gift bag.
Carefully gather the spoons together and tie them with the fabric ribbon. Add decorative curling ribbon. If you have the old chocolate tin place the spoons inside the tin and close with the plastic lid. Add bow and gift tag.
If your using a gift bag, use a smaller one so that the top of the spoons stick out
, use curling ribbon tied around the spoons to flow over sides adding color. Add gift tag.
Heart Warming Goodness - Offering Delightful Gourmet Foods.
Owner: Rose Miller