True to the spirit of the festive season, the concept of gourmet gifts has changed the tradition of giving gifts. All cultures embrace the idea of exchanging gifts, seeing them as tokens of appreciation, of love, and of gratitude, or a celebration of life. But this joyous custom is no simple matter; a lot of sentiment and effort goes into making each gift special and memorable.
Certainly we do not want to offend; hence it is important to understand the gift-giving etiquette of varied cultures or religions. Also, the gift must be appropriate for the occasion —the nature of the gift items, their number, the color of the gift-wrapping, etc.
Straying from the path of classic gifts are unique gourmet gifts such as exquisite gift baskets of choice meats/seafood, condiments, specialty chocolates, fruits, beverages such as tea and coffee, desserts, cheese, and wine. Gourmet food is by definition “food that is of the highest quality, perfectly prepared and artfully presented."
Personal or corporate, gourmet foods are ideal choices. As Madame Benoit said, "I find a recipe is only a theme, which an intelligent cook can play each time with variation." The same can be applied to gifts. What could be more creative? A beautiful gift need not be expensive, but should be a thoughtful gesture.
Mankind has come a long way from hunting to farming to what not! The early centuries saw the wealthy enjoying various delicacies that were secretly guarded or forbidden from the underprivileged. In time, with the economic and social progress, people clamored for elegance in lifestyle, whether food or fashion.
It is always a rich culinary experience to treat oneself to the sinful pleasures of rare exotic delicacies that originate in faraway lands, that are not easily available, and that are usually quite expensive and unique in some way. They make you feel special.