A Gift For Someone You Love

By: Michael Douglas

With the holiday season on, gifting times are here again. This season, why not try something new? Share gifts that are healthy, like sending someone to the spa or for a good massage. Here are some healthy gift options.

Go fruity: No more of those fattening fruitcakes and cheeses. How about giving an organic fruit basket? You can buy it or even make it yourself for the personal touch. Simply pick out some seasonal fruits or vegetables and put them in a decorated basket. Any friend or family member is sure to appreciate some nutritious relief from the typical holiday fare.

Go sporty: With childhood obesity at an all-time high, sports is the only way to go. Children need to get rid of the television and computer screens and move.

So, gift them a big box of sports and game equipment instead. Options range from badminton to frisbee, croquet, kickball, bocce, dodgeball, horseshoes, volleyball, whiftleball and stickball. Think of all the games you enjoyed as a kid and share them with kids. You can also give them cards with information explaining how to play the game and a little history of your experience playing as a kid. This is a bonding experience as well as a gift. Best of all, sports goods and games are much cheaper than electronics.

A fitting tribute: There are plenty of pedometers and workout machines that monitor activity. These can be ideal for all the fitness freaks in your life. They work wonderfully as motivational devices as well. Seeing how many - or how few - calories are burned can be plenty of motivation to get the laziest slacker off the couch.

Pamper them: With all the family get-togethers and intense shopping tripsFind Article, the holiday season can be stressful for any person. Relieve tensions with a gift certificate for a good massage or a session at the spa.

Lastly; you should freely share of your time with your loved ones and don't forget to add a nice holiday card along with the gift wrapped presents.

Gifts for loved ones

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