Online Dating Tips

By: Alexander Black

Online Dating Tip #1

"Allow me to introduce myself" - This is the most common form of introduction. It’s polite, it’s confident and it’s the ice breaker that takes you to the next phase of your conversation. But think for a minute. When you introduce yourself to someone in a bar, do you say, “Hi, My name is Nicky, I live at (your address), my telephone number is (your phone number), I work at (your work address) and my e-mail address is (your e-mail address)?" No, so when introducing yourself on, make sure you use the same common sense practice. Do not allow anyone to pressure you into revealing details before you are ready.

Online Dating Tip #2

Be truthful. Honesty is admired much more than dishonesty. Tell people what your intentions are and you’ll be starting on the correct path. But remember, common sense applies here so always assess who you are being honest with.

Online Dating Tip #3

Have you ever been in a situation where you have spoken to someone on the phone and the persons voice creates an image of what they look like in your own mind? We bet you that if you ever met that person they would look nothing like that image you’d have created.

Because very few of us are psychic we suggest you ask to see a photograph so you can feel more comfortable with whom you have contacted or who has contacted you. Remember, "a picture may paint a thousand words, but a thousand words does not necessarily paint the right picture."

Online Dating Tip #4

When you choose to meet your contact do it in a mutually agreed upon public place where there are plenty of people. Advise a friend of where you are going and leave them a contact number. Provide your own transportation, when the date is over, leave on your own as well. If you should both agree to go to another location, use your own transportation. In the initial stages this is always a good idea, since it's best to act on the side of caution. Your date should be making you feel comfortable with the arrangements. Remember, the venue for your day or night out is a two sided decision, so anything that is being arranged, you must both be happy with it.

Online Dating Tip #5

Remember that common sense and good judgment get you through life on a smoother road. Don’t let your dreams and desires override this one attribute we all have. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Never be forced, tempted, or controlled into any situation where you are not comfortable. Life is for living. Enjoy it to it's fullestFree Web Content, but be safe and smart while you are doing this.

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