March Hunting Tips

By: Dale Bender

March Hunting Tips

Spring is upon us here in the upper mid west. The snow is melting the grass is starting to peek through. The deer are starting to filter back from their wintering areas. It is the time to some spring scouting before everything greens up. While you are scouting you can keep an eye out for shed antlers. It is also a good time to look for new stand sites.

March is a great time to start to plan for your upcoming food plots. We will look back at what we planted last year and try to figure out which plots the deer liked best, which plots grew the best, and which plots were the most effective during the hunting seasons. After gathering all our information we will plan out our plots for the upcoming year. We will attempt to get some spring clover plots in this May. The last two summers were so dry that the clover plots never made it. So we had to reseed everything in the fall with our brassica mixes.

We have been attending the deer shows around the Mid-West. Randy and I have talked to many of you about food plots and mineral licks.

We have learned much just from talking to hunters from different areas. We have learned that if deer are not used to certain food, it may take them a while to adjust to the new food or to acquire a taste for it. In some areas the deer really go for the brassicas, in other areas they wouldn’t touch it until everything else was gone. I really believe that the deer need a good verity of different food that is why we have many different seed types in our food plot mixes. If any of you have questions about planting food plots, just send us  email, we will be glad to help you out.

I have seen any of the new archery products on the market for 2007 and my wish list keeps getting bigger. The new bows keep getting faster, smoother, and quieter. The sights, arrows, and arrow rests improve every year. The deer shows are a great place to go and check these things out.

We delivered the first batch of mineral to the land owner in Iowa so he can start the mineral licks as soon as the frost goes out. The bucks will be starting to grow new antlers and they will need as much mineral they can get during this time. It is critical to supply them with vitamins and minerals during the antler growing season.

This is also a good time to meet with the land owner and get permission for the upcoming fall hunt. We met with our land owner and he showed us some new land they are leasing that we can hunt. It all looks real promising. You can’t  have enough good hunting spots.

Keep checking for updates on hunting permit deadlines, new equipment and new info for your upcoming Food Plots and Mineral Licks.

We will be attending the “Wisconsin Deer and Turkey Expo" in Madison on  March 30th through April 1st, stop in and say hi to Randy and me at the AWH booth.

Send me an email and let me know how the scouting, the turkey season, the mineral licks, and how the food plots are going.

Good LuckFree Web Content,

Dale and Randy

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