North Korea: Difficult yet Good to visit

By: Vivek Kuriyal
With a population of more than 23 millions, North Korea is bigger in area than South Korea and slightly smaller than England. Most of the areas are occupied by military people where one is not supposed to enter. On the northern half of the Korean Peninsula, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is situated. Demilitarized zone in south, japan in the east, china in the North and yellow sea in the west flank North Korea.

You will find this country a happening place the dark in contrast to South Korea.This country is ruled by Kim Chong II after his father and the founder president died in 1994. Since most of the land consists of rugged mountains, the grain productivity is very less and the country has to depend upon the International food aid to feed its population. Decades of mismanagement are also responsible for this fact. Only a small is cultivable. The eastern part is rocky and western part has the coastal plains. North Korea’s climate is temperate. It is slightly colder and drier than South Korea in winter. Summer is hot, rainy and humid. May, JunePsychology Articles, September and October are the best months to visit this country.

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