For the people who live in large, bustling cities like New York, the possible dangers that can always be lurking there probably do not affect their daily lives very much. This is because these people live and work there everyday and being aware of the places you go and when can be very beneficial when it comes to staying safe.
Any frequent traveler will already know the precautions to take when vacationing somewhere strange and possibly dangerous. A trip to New York City is definitely on a different scale that taking a week to go visit your grandma in the country somewhere. It is just a fact that many places we vacation will have a higher risk of danger than others.
All of the following suggestions will probably sound familiar like the advice you might get from your mother before you go somewhere, but you should listen anyway. It might not make any difference whether it is day or night when you are out and about in a city. Criminals do not have particular business hours and these days they may not even dress and look the way you think they might. You might just as easily get held up for your wallet by someone dressed in a business suit as you will by someone who looks like a street thug.
The key to staying safe is to stay smart and alert. If you have heard about not taking large amounts of cash with you anywhere, this is excellent advice. It is even wise to not take all of your credit cards or important identification with you unless you have to. Leave any unneeded cash and credit cards in your hotel safe. Even your room might not be safe enough.
If you venture out walking at night, stay in well lighted areas and do not be tempted to take a back street or short cut. Do not go out alone if you can avoid it. This does not mean you have to walk around scared to death, but you do always need to be cautious. Be aware of people brushing up against you to avoid pick pockets. Carry your money in a front pant or jacket pocket. Use a small bag around your waste instead of carrying a purse. This makes it more difficult to get ripped off.
These are all just common sense ideas that travelers use all the time. It can be easier than you think to forget little things like these though when you get caught up in the excitement of being on vacation. Just keep in mind all those things that your mother told you to be aware of and your trip will probably go off without a hitch.