Family Friendly Places To Visit In New York City

By: Albert Alexander

New York actually has a great deal to offer young and old kids alike who enjoy very little better than playing a great game, video or otherwise. For those of you who enjoy this particular pastime, there are many unique opportunities in New York City in which you can participate in the games you enjoy so much while spending time with friends and family.

Astroland Amusement Park at Coney Island has much to offer the adventurous gamer. From thrills and chills on the midway to the Cyclone Roller Coaster and many wonderful rides in between, this park also offers arcade game rooms along the way where you can play video games of all kinds. This is great for those rainy days when you can't ride the rides or simply when it's just too hot to stand in line. It's also a great bonding experience for father and sun to play the games together and see who has the edge at any given moment.

Dave and Busters is a unique dining experience while offering a wide selection of gaming options. This is not your average arcade food by any means. In fact, this isn't your kids arcade or their arcade games. Dave and Busters offers good food and great fun under one roof and if you have the chance I recommend you take the big kid in you to try it out.

The ESPN Zone is a great place to spend the day with the family. They offer food, fun, and 200 televisions. Who could ask for more? The food is American grill type food and the entertainment is for the most part sports themed and interactive. If you're looking for a great way to bond with the kids this is definitely better than Chuck E. Cheese, especially for the slightly older kids.

The Nintendo World Store is another wonderful attraction that is located at 10 Rockefeller Plaza. This neat store will have your kids thinking you're the coolest parent on the planet just for bringing them. That of course will not stop them from asking for everything they see but it will buy you a few minutes of coolness before they grow tired of hearing the word no. You may want to relent at some point however as there is some merchandise offered that is exclusive to this store and cannot be found elsewhere.

Even if you must order it and have it shipped home for a later surprise it is better not to always wait until too late to find out you can't get something (at least not without a costly trip to New York). Perhaps one of the coolest things about this particular store is that your kids can try out games that haven't been released yet so they can go back to school with the inside scoop on the latest Nintendo games and you are once again world's coolest mom.

Even for the technologically challenged parents among us it is often a good idea just to enjoy playing games with your kids. Even if they win or maybe, especially if they win, let's hope they are better winners than we were when we were kids. I think we all need to take the time to play with our little ones every chance we get. They grow up so fast and one day they will stop asking us to play with them.

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