Long ago the Tower of London served as residence to the Royal Menagerie. A great number of wild animals were kept there. Deep at night in January, 1815 a guard noticed a bear appearing from a front entrance. He attacked it with his weapon, but it went right through the ghost. The guard was soon found insensible. He is believed to have died of terror soon after this event.
Something invisible and very fearsome exists in the Salt Tower, which is considered to be an extremely ghostly place of the Tower of London structure. This part is rather ancient and even dogs never go into this construction. In 1864, a warrior whose place of duty was to protect the Queen's Residence at the Tower of London, noticed a ghost so true that after paying no attention to the warriors three warnings, he ran with all his strength at the trespasser with his weapon, but all he managed to do is to go directly through the vision.
He was found insensible at his place of duty and the order was passed to execute him for disregarding his responsibility. Fortunately there were two observers who confirmed his narration. The warrior was finally found not guilty.
Lady Jane Grey is one more terrible story of a murder at the Tower. This young woman died because of the actions of her own father who planned her marriage to the man whom she didn't love and asked Edward VI to declare her his heir in case of his passing away. After Edward VI had died she was proclaimed the Queen of England, however the devotees of Mary brought her down. The lady's father was terrified and with an intention to protect his own life ran off the Tower and made his way to Tower Hill to announce Mary I as the sovereign of the kingdom. Lady Jane didn't manage to escape from the tower. Together with her spouse she was at once put in prison and sentenced to death. Queen Mary ordered to execute Jane's father-in-law, nevertheless she didn't kill Jane and her husband. After the woman's father took part in the uprising against Mary I, poor wife and spouse were once more imprisoned in the tower. Jane saw how her spouse was guillotined. Next the girl was carried to Tower Green and also guillotined at the age of only seventeen.