Everyday, all over this great planet Earth, more people leave the office, store, plant, truck and even hospital grind behind to work at home.
It could be on the internet or as a locksmith, plumber, electrician, painter or many more. It will be because we were downsized, outsourced, sick and tired of cubicle hell, or even plain bored although we liked the employees and managers we worked with. More and more men and women are earning their living by working at or from their homes. Call them job escapee homeworkers. The work at or from home industry is booming with a wonderful diversity of income earning opportunities. People of all skill and education levels can and do find their personal niches in this immense market. Some highly successful people, like Bill Gates a few months ago, leave just to do something else like charity work. As talented human beings we want to strut our stuff to ourselves, to know we can do it, before retirement day comes up. The terrible, terrible alternative is to never know if we could of done it, make our own team of independents or not. Telecommuters Technology has enabled former office, store, truck and plant rats to do their work at home. Programmers, armed with a computer, fax, and telephone, employees from back office data entry workers to management staff are able to perform part or all of their jobs at home. The telecommuting option is appreciated by workers as it allows them more freedom and control over the work day and more time to spend with their families. Companies find that this set up often improves employee morale and productivity. Insurance costs and injuries drop dramatically benefiting employers. Internet Work Earning money via the Internet has become an explosive popular option in the work at home industry. Chances are you know someone who sells, sold or has bought merchandise on eBay. Many online merchants are working out of their homes.Expert training from successful, experienced salespeople is available, very cheap, all over the world now. I bet you can find a low cost, good eBay trainer, near to your home on eBay right now. The amazing Internet offers a wealth of opportunities for writers to earn a living at the keyboard. People with an Internet based career often start on a part time basis while working their regular office careers. Once their web job takes off, they escape the office grind for full time work at home. Some people are surprised to find they can write well even though they never had direct writer training. The only way to find out about this field is to give it a try. Maybe start by rewriting articles for article directories. Would it not be nice to say thank you when your layoff notice comes from management because you are already making the same or more income from home? Shake their hand, give them a hug, and say bye, bye! Home Base Still another option in the work at home industry is a home based business aka, job escapee homeworker, where you go out in the field to provide services for customers. This is a wide open opportunity. Imagine any product or service that people need and, voila, you have a business. Include paint, plumbing, electricity and more here. The senior population is exploding. Lots of us belong to it now. You might consider starting an elder service that helps seniors with light housekeeping, grooming, and transportation. Many seniors, in good physical shape have done this for years for something to do to keep themselves active, be satisfied with life and to have extra income. Many lonely seniors can afford to pay fair sums of money for people just to read to them, play music and keep them company. If you are a senior already this is an exciting natural for you. Two career families and busy folks in general equal a business for you running errands such as shopping, chauffeuring kids, and picking up dry cleaning. A little hectic but fun, exciting and you get out everyday. You can strike out, get outside for sun and fresh air and make extra income, all on your own with these home based businesses or buy a franchise. Franchises offer a brand name people know and trust along with marketing support from the headquarters office. Be careful of franchises where you work yourself to death with even more work hours than your former, to be, job. Start up costs can be out of reach for a lot of people, however, there are hundreds of franchise options in the work at home industry that will fit with small budgets. Just do not trade a job for a job business. Be happy and alive at this. |
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