To The East Is Quebec

By: Ashton Billesberger

If you enjoy traveling and learning about the places you are visiting then this is a place that you do not want to miss out, there is a lot of history here like the city of Montreal, some of the buildings go back 100 years, where I am from that is unheard of most building over 50 years old are replaced with something new.

If you are the nature type there are the mountains that you can , there are many rivers and lakes that have great fishing and boating.

Quick facts about the province -Largest city is Montreal -Population is 7,568,640 2nd biggest Province in Canada -5th province to become apart of Canada on July 1, 1867This province has a lot of things to do, I can’t list them all but you need to visit this province to see a lot of Canada’s history. The province is unbelievable so you will need more then a week to see it all.

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