Remember the good old days before the "No Call" list? It illustrates why an alternative online job search plan is required if you have any hope of using the convenience of online services to help you get a job.
Let me show you what I mean. It'll help to understand the importance of an alternative online job search. You're just sitting down to supper when the phone rings. It's a telemarketer (one of several who tried calling you today). He's talking very fast to capture your attention before you hang up. He's got a product or service you can't live without. Yeah, sure! "What's your name and number," you ask sarcastically. "And what time do you eat supper? Cuz I'm want to call you back with my answer at that time," you declare loudly, as you hang up the phone. You're annoyed, of course. But consider this for a minute. How many calls do you think that telemarketer has to make before he gets one person to listen? And how many of those actually buy something? It's a crap shoot. Now, if he's a pro he probably knows that out of 100 calls he gets one or two sales. So he plods on hopeful the numbers will work for him. Sound appealing to you? Well, this is exactly what you do if you use old-fashioned online job search techniques. You know, you write up a strong resume and distribute it to some online job services like Monster and Hotjobs. Maybe you mail it to a bunch of companies. And you answer some ads and distribute your resume to some agencies and recruiters. You're praying the numbers will work for you. You're hoping someone will get back to you. Maybe a welcome phone call. Or a written invitation to an interview. But, if nothing happens, you can always repeat the same process all over again. Maybe even ramp up the numbers. An alternative online job search strategy is the solution. For example, if you're using your online capabilities to conduct a mass distribution job campaign, you're seriously wasting your time. Oh, I'm not going to say you won't get an interview. But it will probably come weeks, even months after you started you campaign. There's better way. It's an alternative online job search. You use the power of the internet to do research on selected companies you're interested in. You identify and do background research on the person you're most likely to report to. You contact that decision-maker personally through an introduction, referral, phone call or personal letter. You propose to set up a face-to-face meeting to share some exciting ideas for the company. Don't waste you time with mass distribution methods. You need the carefully targeted approach of an alternative online job search--one that productively uses your limited time to get results fast! |
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