Getting Married Without A Hitch In Las Vegas

By: Gabriel Adams

As the Beatles said, "All you need is love, love, Love is all you need" Immortalizing the famous words of this song, love is really all you need to get married in Las Vegas.

It's no surprise then, that Las Vegas is considered the wedding capital of the world, with over 122,000 marriage licenses being issued every year! They call it "Getting married without a hitch- Las Vegas style".

Getting married is an experience in itself, but getting married in Las Vegas, takes the whole experience into another dimension. The official government agency that issues marriage licenses in Las Vegas, the Clark County Marriage License Bureau, is open everyday, including holidays, from 8 a.m. to midnight. How's that for service! It's no wonder they manage to issue so many licenses a year.

Forget boring "Wedding on the Beach" and other mundane wedding themes. In Las Vegas nobody would raise an eyebrow if you exchanged vows dressed as Star Trek characters or in Medieval costumes. Even the chapels get into the theme act in Las Vegas. Not only do they help you with your wedding vows and religious ceremonies, but they will also suggest a variety of ceremony themes and also help you choose your costumes and organize the décor. Most chapels even have costumes that you can rent. Professional, experienced staff is on hand to help you with the most simple to the most outré requests. Wedding chapels also offer bridal couples a variety of custom-designed packages to suit every budget and every style.

Plenty of costume shops and florists dot the area as well as shops that sell or rent tuxedos, gowns and any other accessory you can think of. Don't forget the rings! It's probably a better idea to pass on the idea of hiring wedding rings and buy them instead. You'd definitely want something more than photographs to commemorate this unforgettable experience.

For those looking to beat the record of "Quickest Wedding Ceremony", Las Vegas even offers you a choice of drive-thru weddings. A word of caution here - don't stop for the fries if you are aiming for the record.

So if you are looking for a unique one-of-a-kind wedding, make plans to go to Las Vegas, where all it takes is love, valid identification and $55 to get married.

Las Vegas Guide

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