Burbank is located in the Walla Walla County of Washington, and this is where the Columbia River meets the Snake River. At the year 2000 the population in Burbank was just over 3,300. The city of Burbank is located to the north of the city Kennewick and to the east of the city Pasco.Pasco, Burbank and Kennewick make up the Tri-cities, and Burbank is smaller than Pasco and Kennewick, and although this is true Burbank is still considered to be a metropolitan area.
As mentioned, in 2000 there was a population in Burbank of just over 3,300 people. In addition, there were just over 900 families and just over 1,000 households, and 90.16 percent were white and under a half percent was African Americans. Less than 1 percent was Native Americans and over 10 percent were Pacific Islander. Less than half percent was Asians. More than 5.5 percent were other races and the Latino and the Hispanic made up less than 10 percent of the population in Burbank.
Less than 42 percent of the children aged under-18 was from 1,090 households in Burbank. Just less than 72 percent of the population was made up of married couples, and more than 7 percent of the households had females but no husbands. More than 16 percent had no families. Over 13 percent of the households in Burbank had individuals and more than 5 percent had a person over the age of 65 living with them.
The average income per household in the city of Burbank was just over $50,000 and per family the income averaged at $52,000. Males earned an income just more than $40,000 and females earned less than $30,000. More than 3 percent of the families in Burbank and more than 6 percent of Burbank's population fell just under the poverty mark.