?????????????????????? ? ? ?? Every year Dubai shopping festival lives up toits promise of staging the most exciting activities for the whole familyinspired by the theme one world, one family, one festival. More than twomillion visitors attend the Dubai shopping festival each year, with retailspending totaling in excess of US $ 1 billion. During DSF promotions &discounts make it possible for shoppers to buy branded products at extremelycompetitive prices.
??????????????????????????????? The main focalpoint of the festival is the Global Village, where the international communitygather together to display their culture and heritage through exhibitions oftraditional handicrafts, clothing, music and dance. Another popular shoppingspot during DSF is the Carpet Oasis.? Theexhibition shows thousands of unique, exclusive, handmade oriental & persiancarpets. DSF offers a variety of entertainment events such as nightlyfireworks, laser shows, fashion shows, and music concerts. Festival also hasdaily raffle draws with lots of prizes. In addition to that the DSF has startedan award ceremony for the Ideal Arab Mother, Ideal Family etc. Most airlinesflying out of Dubai International Airport offer reduced airfare, along with themuch needed excess baggage allowance during DSF.
????????????????????????????????? The DSF2008will be held from 24th January 2008 to 24th February 2008 over a period of 32 days. DSF 2008is expected to be unique in its own way, as it welcomes visitors to a newseason-The fifth season. Hence, while the rest of the world sees four seasonsin a year, the Dubai visitors get to enjoy?a fifth season, which is expected to be the best of all.? ??
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