Effective Suggestions for Avoiding Travel Insomnia

By: Glenda Sparling

We’veall been on trips for either business or pleasure and after a long day oftraveling to your destination, all you look forward to is a hot shower or bath,a light meal and the comfort of a peaceful night’s rejuvenating sleep.

Nowyou are finally ensconced in your hotel room and as night wears on and darknessdescends, you become aware of all the invading noises and cracks of light thatplay havoc with your time to rest.? Tooboot, you are likely dealing with jet lag and the effects of crossing multipletime zones.? We all know this throws offour circadian rhythm.

Hereis how to make the best of a trip and get the best sleep possible.? It is generally wise to plan ahead.? In terms of dealing with the time zonechange and the effects on your circadian rhythm, it is always best to take twoto three nights ahead of flying and start going to bed in the time zone you areheaded to.? In other words, you areattempting to reset your biological clock, so that when you arrive at yourdestination you are already sleeping and waking in a new zone.? Few actually do this, but if you are alight, sensitive sleeper, it’s always best to adapt ahead of time.? It will save you much grief on the otherend.

Ifyou find that challenging to do, start your pre-sleep routine just that muchearlier.? Begin your meditation andrelaxation pre-bed routine one half hour earlier the first night and then anhour ahead the next night.? Remember toadjust your morning rising time to accommodate the challenges of arrival,particularly if traveling eastward.? Thereverse is true for traveling westward – stay up later – get up later.? It’s always easier traveling west than east.

Ifspace allow, pack your own pillow.?Recognizing the comfort of your own things while in a hotel room helpsto encourage your on-going restfulness.

Ofcourse, having a quiet hotel room is essential.? Pack your own earplugs.?Make sure you have worn them ahead of time so you are used to them.? Sound gets muffled but not totallyeliminated (which would be a hazard in the case of an alarm).? You need to be able to hear somenoises.? Earplugs help to mitigate allthe strange sounds a hotel room will no doubt have.

Alongwith earplugs, you may want to consider toting your portable CD player orIPOD.? Bring along some peaceful,relaxing music or one or two of your meditation CD’s.? Having these comforting sounds with you not only reminds you of home,but also when the headset is on it also helps to muffle strange hotel noises.

Whenyou arrive at your destination hotel, always request a quiet room – away fromthe freeway side of the hotel and away from the ding of the elevators and theclunking sound of the ice machine.

Ifpossible, get a hotel that has operational windows.? Fresh air is always more conducive to restful sleep than airconditioning.? When air conditioningblows on you it creates an artificial environment and generally stuffs up yoursinuses.? Keep the room temperature 68degrees or lower.? Too hot and you willnever slay asleep.? Our bodies naturallyprefer to be cool at night.

Ifyou like essential oils, bring a small sachet scented with lavender oil.? Lavender oil has been used for centuries tocalm the body and mind.? Place it on thepillow or nightstand next to you to help create a calming relaxing from ofmind.

Alwayscheck the hotel room clock radio and alarm setting to make sure it is in the‘off’ position.? Inevitably the cleaningmaid may have knocked the alarm to the ‘on’ position or it may have remained inthat position by the last hotel guest in that room.? Don’t be awoken by the shrill blare of the buzzer alarm when youare dead asleep and needing your rest.

Alwaysmake sure you turn off the phone ringer.?It’s conceivable that you may receive a 4:30 AM wake-up call for theprevious guest.? Better to be safe thansorry.

Toblock the inevitable light of the hallway, consider just simply stuffing atowel at the bottom of the door.? Andmake sure the drapes completely overlap from one side to the other so as toprevent morning light from seeping in.?Light and sound are the two enemies of sleeping soundly.

Alsomake sure you hang out the ‘Do Not Disturb’ door sign the night before.? This way the hotel maid will not knock earlyin the morning wondering if you are still in your room.

?Ifit’s late at night and you are starving and a meal is in order, make sure youmake it a light meal such as soup and salad, a small sandwich, or even anappetizer rather than a huge full meal.?Eating too much too late will end up being digested all night and likelyprevent falling asleep or perhaps a digesting meal will wake you up.? Consider having a cup of warm milk and ifpossible, ask for a teaspoon of vanilla and sugar to be added.? All contribute to boosting your serotoninlevel in your brain, which helps with the onset of sleep.? Avoid alcohol and cigarettes, as they areboth stimulants.

Andone last note.? If there seems to be toomuch noise and rowdiness in a room next to you or even down the hallway, makesure you call the front desk and let them know.? No one likes to wake up to the sound of a blaring TV or party revelersinvading your sleep.? I was once in ahotel room in Indiana where a basketball team had been playing and now stayingin the same convention hotel as I was.?Come midnight after their win and much partying, they started shooting‘baskets’ down the hallway.? Fun forthem, but the rest of us suffered until security came and curtailed theirpartying.? All hotels have a nighttimecurfew usually 10 or 11 PM and if others are disturbing your peacePsychology Articles, you have aright to inform the front desk.? Don’tcomplain.? Just state the factscalmly.? They usually send up securityimmediately to rectify the situation.?You have hotel rights too.

Sleeptight while traveling.

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