Teen Job Search: Are You Up To Speed?

By: pmegan
A teen job search is very special. However, no matter what your age or experience, a hiring decision about you is made only after a face-to-face meeting.

That means you have to look employable. If you're in a teen job search and this is your first job, all this can really work to your advantage.

Since you don't have a work history or at best a thin resume, much more credibility will be placed on how you come across when you meet with a decision-maker. There, it's up to you to represent yourself assertively and with enthusiasm.

Here are 6 tips that can move you toward employment success:

1. Get your ducks in a row. Write down the specific talents and capabilities your bring to the table. For example any work experience including volunteer work, school and church activities, family projects, athletic or team prowess . . . anything that demonstrates that you have contributed to helping an organization or individual. Be sure to include any work for neighbors including raking leaves, baby-sitting, shoveling snow, etc.

2. Write a script that details how you'll present yourself to a prospective employer. Remember, first impressions count BIG! If you stumble around and can't look an interviewer in the eye, you just lost. You must be prepared to speak with authority.

3. Practice what you want to say with some friends. Let them ask you tough questions so you can learn to respond intelligently without getting rattled.

4. When you've done all your prep work, then you can write a resume recapping what you've done in the first three steps. It has to be brief and to the point (maximum one page.) Remember--your resume won't get you a job. Only a face-to-face meeting results in serious consideration.

5. Dress appropriate to the position and according to company standards. Be polite. Have an opening comment to make so you can be the first to speak. Prepare in advance some intelligent questions to ask.

6. Be open to employment options. For example, an internship, starting out part-time, offering to work free for a week, a probation period, etc. Incidentally, the holiday season is a great time to get your foot in the door with retail businesses. Very often part-time holiday employment turns into full-time after the holidays.

Teen job search can be an enriching experience. It can seriously prepare you for a lifetime of satisfying and lucrative work.
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