Puerto Princesa: a Legendary Destination

By: sublim3

Filled with natural charm and beauty, Puerto Princesa is a place you surely worth visiting. Here are fun and unique facts about Puerto Princesa you shouldn't miss knowing and experiencing.

In Spanish, it means "Princess of Ports". This is the capital of Palawan, dubbed as the nation's last nature frontier for its richness and wonders.

This provincial capital is the only major urban sprawl in Palawan. With a total of 120,000 population, Puerto Princesa is considered the second biggest city in the Philippines after Davao.

Puerto Princesa is home to St. Paul Underground River, a famous attraction declared as a World Heritage Site by United Nations Educational Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The Tubbataha Reef Marine Park is a vast natural wonder covering 33,200 ha, including the North and South Reefs. This pristine island reef in Puerto Princesa has a very high density of marine species; the North Islet serving as a nesting site for birds and marine turtles.

Here stands Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm, the country's oldest and unique Prison Without Walls. Inmates there work to supply food to other prisons all over the country. There, they are free to live with their families.

Another thing that's legendary in Puerto Princesa is The Legend Palawan, where a whole new world of change happens in a heartbeat. It offers Palawan Experience (PaX), the gateway to exhilarating island escapades. From city tour to beach adventures, The Legend Palawan makes every Palawan Experience a thrill of a lifetime.

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