How To Land The Perfect Job

By: tjacowski
What is the most asked question your career? For many, the answer to this question is "how can I land the perfect job?" New graduates as well as seasoned professionals often encounter the same predicament. Below are some tips to answer your questions and help you land your dream job!

The Job Scenario Hardly Changes Over Short Periods

If you want to get the perfect job, you will not want to wait until the job market changes for better. You will seek out a perfect job that fits your skills and caliber. You should be confident about your abilities and the market for them. The truth is, the job market doesn't really change overnight, so start your job hunt today.

Prepare Before The Interview

Researching the company is important. Its line of business, standing in the market and stock exchanges, ethics, employee strength, financial position, your work load, salary, other benefits etc. Utilize newspapers, or even better, the Internet. Breaking news is often covered on the Internet and you can impress the company with your knowledge.

Pay attention to key points, such as why they are considering you, who is likely to interview you, and any likely questions (please tell me about yourself...). Think about how you can impress them and what you should wear to the interview based on the company's culture. Having this information ahead of time will help you to prepare well and will therefore reduce any interview anxiety that you have.

During The Interview

You have arrived at the most crucial part of landing your dream job. If you've done your homework up to this point, you are in good shape! Arrive for interview no later than 15 minutes early. Some companies will want you to fill out an application. Don't attach a resume if it is not specifically asked for.

Greet the interviewer with a smile and a firm handshake. Don't address the interviewer by his/her first name unless you have a special reason or have been given permission. Don't rush to take a seat until you are offered one.

Be gentle and polite. At this point, you should understand what they are looking for in a candidate. Make it clear that you have "it". A little confidence goes a long way.

Some interviewers will ask you to ask questions or will let you speak about topics that they haven't covered. Use this opportunity and make the most of it. Talk about relevant industry news or something that you know about the company. This is also the time to tell them about your past achievements and future goals. However, don't forget that you have to organize your thoughts get your point across clearly. Thank the interviewer before leaving, reiterate your interest in the job, and ask when you can expect to hear from them again.

Some employers have recently adopted six sigma methodologies for their recruitment process. The tools of implementation have reduced the risk of ignoring the right candidate by "special cause" or accidentally during resume reviews. By taking this into account, you can be secure in the knowledge that your skills need not fit exactly, and that it is indeed possible for you to land your perfect job!
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