Organisers of Pharma conferences do, however, run the risk of their event seeming more like a sales pitch than a genuine conference. Blatant attempts to gain popularity with clients, through the use of hospitality or other material means, could even violate the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Code of Practice.
The ABPI's Code of Practice is, according to it's President, "regarded as a world gold standard for self-regulation", and it's list of rules is central to ensuring that the Pharmaceutical industry is ruled by scientific developments and not marketing. The Code of Conduct, and specifically clause 19, seeks to reduce the amount of lavish hospitality that is often associated with Pharma Conferences - and which it says could influence the judgement of clients. Compliance with the Code is obligatory for members of the ABPI, and companies can be forced to issue a corrective statement and be publically reprimanded.
So, what's the key to keeping your Pharma conference within the ABPI guidelines? How much is too much when it comes to hospitality at these events? The simple answer seems to be that the hospitality should match the level of the event, and should come second to the content of the conference - not exceeding what delegates would choose to pay for themselves. Obviously, hospitality forms a large part of a modern Pharma conference and if delegates are attending a long meeting, then it would be only natural to offer some level of hospitality. In short, it seems that the level of hospitality should be varied depending on a variety of factors. Unnecessary travelling should be kept to a minimum - for example, it is inappropriate for a British Pharmaceutical company to arrange a conference in the south of France for it's German delegates.
When travel is unavoidable, which it often is, economy air travel should be offered to delegates and any First Class upgrades should be paid for out of the delegates' pocket. Once the travel solutions have been worked out, the next step is to choose a venue. This is also covered by clause 19 of the ABPI Code of Conduct - the choice of lavish and inappropriate venues is not allowed. So what is classed as an acceptable venue for a Pharma conference? When choosing a venue, it is worth considering that the ABPI states that the content should be the most important aspect in a Pharma Conference. Therefore, choosing a venue that is entertainment orientated is inappropriate - that means no to casinos, golf clubs and spa resorts. According to the ABPI, sending delegates on a trip to an expensive spa resort would not be justifiable as a necessary expense of arranging a Pharma conference. A sufficient venue should be sought out that offers the necessary conference features, transport links, food and hospitality if required. The level of accommodation should not exceed a basic, comfortable standard - and should definitely not be a luxury hotel. The level of accommodation could be adjusted for different speakers - for example, a high profile international speaker would probably warrant more hospitality than a local speaker.
Once a venue has been chosen, you may wish to consider some other factors to help decide the level of hospitality to offer. The time length of the conference is obviously an important factor; should your meeting last for a whole day, then meals should probably be provided. This would, however, be deemed unnecessary should the conference only last a few hours. The costs of the Pharma conference should match the quality and importance of the speakers and the importance of the content being discussed. The arrangements of any hospitality should also be carefully thought out so that whatever may be offered comes a clear second to the content of the seminar. Advertising can also help a conference organiser stick to the ABPI Code of Conduct. The invitations and marketing of the event should be done on a strictly professional basis, with all emphasis on the content of the conference; only a small amount of the invitation should be devoted to the hospitality side of the event, and this should briefly describe details.
In conclusion, it seems that to stick to the ABPI Code of Conduct, specifically clause 19, common sense should prevail. Rather than offering lavish, unjustified hospitality to delegates, a more low key venue should be chosen and the emphasis should remain on the content of the conference at all times. Although levels of hospitality can be varied with a number of factors, it seems that anything offered that is more than adequate is simply an unnecessary expense
, and presents the risk of repercussions from the ABPI. The main focus of any Pharma conference should be scientific content.