Volunteer Abroad

By: Moe Tamani

Are you looking for anoccupation where not only do you get to explore many cultures and learn newthings, but also glove trot? Have you explored the option of volunteeringabroad yet? Volunteering abroad is rapidly becoming a career option for manyyoungsters across the globe. Volunteering has always been associated withsocial causes like rescue work during earthquakes, Tsunami, war, saving theplanet, creating eco habitats, educating slum children etc. What a volunteercan really derive out of an overseas work is experience, understanding thedifferent communities and geographical or demographical requirements. A senseof pride, inspiration and this kind of work is good for character building.

Type of volunteerism: As a volunteer, you can teach English to monks in monasteriesin Nepal, care for rarespecies of birds and other wild life in a nature reserve in Costa Rica or in Kenya. You can do a lot of goodthrough volunteering abroad and reap the benefits too. You can add thisexperience in your resume and also get the opportunity to do serious travelingand even pursue an educational career. Most people choose overseas volunteerwork because they get to travel to some of the most exotic places as well asoff the beaten track destinations.


Whether you are interestedin teaching English overseas or want to travel to various destinations acrossthe world, you can find volunteering placements, which will satisfy yourrequirement. Here are three tips that will help you to find opportunities ofvolunteering abroad:

Volunteering Abroad with the right agency: Most of the volunteer jobs abroad are overseen andhandled by different agencies. There are many online agencies who will proclaimto find you an overseas volunteering work but you need to know that not all ofthem are authentic. So you need to be extremely cautious while choosing theplacement agency. Always try to get references and conduct a little backgroundcheck just to be sure. An authentic agency has the capability of finding aplacement for you based on your requirement and preferences. Some agencies alsoprovide extensive training where required and overseas assistance. The agencieswill charge you for the placement and don’t be surprised because this payment willensure that you get all the support required overseas.

Volunteer Abroad organizations: Most of the organizations who assist withvolunteering abroad have their own website. You may visit any such website andfind their requirements, any specialization areas, and the destinations wherethey need volunteers. You can directly contact them and find out the details.Some social organizations will pay you a small amount for your work while most ofthem might not be able to pay you anything at all. Every organizationassociated with volunteer work will take care of your accommodation, localtravel and basic necessities. You will have the advantage of choosing where youwant to work and for how long. One of the famous organizations is the PeaceCorps, and they always have a requirement for worldwide volunteers. You need toapply at least nine months in advance but most of the time government agencieslack flexibility. Another good organization is the International Student TravelVolunteersBusiness Management Articles, Inc. The organization focuses mainly on creating volunteer workopportunities that involves education and conservation. They also provide financialassistance to volunteers and give them an opportunity to create an enrichingexperience through overseas cultural and educational programs.

Choosing your Volunteering Destination: Some people are a little nervous about travelingtoo far off to regions in distant corners of the world. This doesn’t mean thatyou will never get to do volunteer work. You can always find out a voluntaryorganization that can place you in nearby countries like Costa Rica or Peru. In these Latin Americancountries you will still be somewhat geographically close and near big citieswith access to the amenities and comfort you would other wise have at home. youwill be well versed with the immediate environment you are working in and atthe same time get the necessary exposure and a rewarding experience.

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