To think that a year ago I was walking the streets ofManhattan is amazing.? To leave theGreatest City on Earth for some beach in Tulum, Mexico.? It is an odd thought at times and something Itackle with daily.? Here I was, living inNYC.? I had an amazing apartment with afew of my best friends from college.? Wewere living the life.? Living NYC.? We all had decent jobs.? All Wall Street related.? We were all close and though everyone workeduntil 7-8pm every night, we made a conscious effort to see each other.? And this was the same, we would spend a fewhours each night hanging out or at the bar.?We would go out clubbing on the weekends. Spend lazy Saturdays throwinga pigskin in Central Park, Sheep’s Meadow to be exact.? It was a life full of stimulation…outside ofwork.? It was great and I miss so manythings about it.? But what was it aboutNYC that was so unfulfilling.? What is itabout NYC that hardens the soul.? Turnsyou cold.? It was and is an oddfascination.? I think about all my relationshipsin NYC and I’m sad.? Sad for how few truefriends I had and sad because I could leave it all behind.?? So much for the Greatest City.?
But now, now I find myself in Mexico.? Tulum, Mexico.? A little south of Cancun. Me and these MayanRuins.? These white sand beaches.? These cabanas.? This foreign land.? It’s odd to reflect on my time in NYC andit’s even odder to stroll down these beaches by myself.? Sometimes it’s lonely and I miss NYC, but Isay to myself, it was worth it.? InTulum, I find the time and make the effort to maintain my relationships withthose who I truly care for.?? Those whohave a special place in my heart.? It’s asalmost though I got Lypo; relationship speaking that is.? I basically ended all relations with almostall my “friends" I had in NYC and it’s been A OK.? When I see them all is well, but besidesthat, I don’t spend too much time questioning my lack of communication withthem.
And now, that leaves me here in Tulum.? Hanging around the beaches pursuing all ofwhich excites me.? The silky whitebeaches, the diving, the snorkeling, the sunny days and laid backattitude.? It’s as though I’ve steppedinto my own little playground and I do as I please and what excites me.? I’m not making a lot of money, but it’senough for a nice lifestyle down here. ?Hopefully it’ll stay this way for a while andwhen I’m ready to move on, I will.? Thekind people I have met on my journeys down here will stay with me.? I might not ever see them once I leave thisplace, but they will each hold a special place in my heart.? A certain generosity often lacking in NYC andall in all
, I’m enjoying myself here and I will not forget my time in Tulum andthe people here.