Motivation and retention of employees are two of the biggest challenges facing Sales Managers today. The rapidly-changing workplace of today mandates that employees stay motivated. Sales forces that stay motivated help businesses survive due to increased overall productivity. Motivation is the basis for survival for an organization, yet it is usually ignored as a business topic. There is no clear-cut and well-defined approach to tackling the challenge of employee motivation. Most companies usually ignore it unless a problem crops up.
Different people are motivated to become happier employees in different ways. Money becomes a less effective motivator as salaries rise, and work that fascinates the employees becomes more important. A psychologist from the USA, Abraham Maslow, first devised the term "trans-personal psychology" and was the first to use many humanistic methods of counseling. Maslow's work led him to believe that many apparently obvious motivations for people's behavior are less important than basic personal development. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs enlightens us on what motives people to seek out certain positions in life. The Hierarchy helps when it comes to sales Resource professionals determining how to best utilize the basic building blocks of human nature. There are five stages of the Hierarchy that explains an individuals needs and the order of importance. Physiological needs which comprise Maslow's first tier are all about human survival. And this pertains to man's basic needs like, food water, shelter. These are considered the basics for it serves as the foundation of human's motivation. He believes that people should meet these needs before dealing with the concerns of safety, love and so forth. Furthermore, Maslow considers the four primary needs in his hierarchy "deficiency needs," which eliminate the supply of motivation once each is fulfilled. On the other hand, the hierarchy's final need - self-actualization - is a "being" or "growth" needs that influences behavior during the duration of a person's life. Consequently, if a business continues to give its employees opportunities to meet the importance of this high-level need, the company can expect a well-motivated workforce. There are two popular schools of thoughts behind the concept of self actualization. According to one school, we are always in pursuit of achieving self-actualization and the other school propounds that we do achieve the temporary self actualization but the moment we accomplish that we set another goal and start putting the effort to actualize that goal. Those who strive to realize their potential are looking for such opportunity and position from where their idea can take a concrete shape and blossom to prosper. |
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