A Delta Toolbox - the Only Friend Who I Have Ever Had

By: Tim Saunier

This is the story of a man who has no home, no family and no future. But this is no reason to have pity on me. These previously listed attributes helped mold me into the most independent person on earth. And sometimes I think that Independence Day is a holiday that should remind the people of my life - a life that contains nothing and everything, that make me to the saddest and the happiest men on earth and that makes me special and usual in the same way.

The curse and the blessing of my life started five years ago when I decided to leave my home and parents in order to unleash myself from the norms and rules of society. I was always a very melancholic and thoughtful boy, who could never relax and enjoy the things that surrounded me. For instance, when I was seven I couldn't sleep for two weeks because I was constantly thinking about cruel events that were happening in Africa, which I have heard on TV. Already at that time I recognized that I was different from the other children playing football and baseball. I thought, "How can people be happy and content when they know there are people who have no food or home, suffering from the hopelessness of their fate."

So I decided to change society by informing them about the grievances in the world but I recognized very soon that there was no way to reach the consciences of the people around me. In a society like ours, there is no space for thoughts about others. There are just too many problems for yourself that are supposed to be more important than the other ones - problems like "What should I wear tonight" or "How can I improve my reputation".

After I accepted that I would never be able to influence people by informing them about more important things, I left my home and accordingly, my old life. I was not looking for a better life that could satisfy me. I just wanted to escape from the rules and the necessities of society. My first station was a small village in the middle of nowhere. But even there I faced all the typical problems that result from living in a society - enviousness, avarice and stinginess. Another problem was that I had no money with me. The only thing I was carrying with me was a toolbox, where I had everything I needed: a tooth-brush and tools, I have been collecting them for the past ten years. And while I was remembering my ability to build all kinds of things that I need to keep me warm, I moved to an unknown place. It was a place, where no man has ever been and no sign of modern life was obvious.

Living in such an environment gave me the feeling that I have taken a step in the right direction. I didn't have to think about the vices of men and the problems around them. I started building a small house in the woods and for the first time, I felt at home. But after five years I had to admit that this was not the life I wanted to live for the rest of my days. I was still a man and after while I yearned for love and company - the good attributes our society offers. So today I took my toolbox and went back home.

I am now sitting in a cafe and talking to a man about my story, which he told me to write down. I have no clue what happened next. I turned 30 yesterday and I had a lot of time to think. Maybe I should try adjusting to the world around me. There are more things to do besides just criticizing everything. There are so many people who are full of love and solidarity; I have just to search for them. Maybe I will find a partner who will spend her life with me - with me and my toolbox.

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