Statistics have proven over and over that most businesses fail within the first five years of operation.
Since you are studying this three-part article you have an advantage: -You have proven that you will take the necessary steps to become a huge success! -You do not want to become a statistic or to be one of the failures. -And the good news is: there is nothing stopping you but you. -The Universe will support you no matter what you choose to do. You have free will. 'In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.' Anonymous I know the whole idea of committing 'what you want' to paper may be a little scary. You may have had disappointments in the past but this is a 'must do' part of having your own successful business. Don't be a roadblock to your own success. Overcome your fears and do whatever it takes to make money in your small business. Follow these simple steps: -Think about what you want (your're making a commitment) -Write down your dreams and goals on paper -Write them in the positive tense (I have the business plan completed...) -Number your goals (You can have 100+ goals) -Start with a few goals and add to the list later -Put a date of completion for the most important ones (then work toward it) -Make a list of small action steps for each goal--this is your to-do list -Don't worry about how you'll accomplish them -Mark off each goal or action step when accomplished -Celebrate and thank Higher Source (Thank you, God! Thank you, Source, Oneness, Spirit, Invisible Assistant, etc.) -What does it FEEL like to succeed (to have expansion of your life, peace, love, joy, security, prosperity, and freedom)? -GOALS are the heart of a successful home business I used to work for the US Army in the Canal Zone in Panama. After we gave the zone back to the Republic of Panama (from 1980 - 2000) most of us Americans packed up and went home - back to the USA. While packing my belongings in 1980, I came across some seminar notes from five years before. I found a list of goals I wrote down. As I read the list I discovered that 100% of the items on my list were already accomplished. I hadn't bothered to read the list during those five years. In fact I HAD FORGOTTEN about even making the list - at least in my conscious mind. Isn't this amazing! Without effort on my part my list of goals were accomplished. Could this mean that I had universal assistance working on my list? Yes! And you have it available, too. It is important to write down your goals so your hidden assistant can clearly see what to work on for you. You just need to learn how to communicate with that particular part of your subconscious mind. For detailed instructions about working with the subconscious mind we have a new e-book entitled learn 'How to triple your home based income...' You can achieve great success in any type of business, with all work-at-home projects, and it applies equally well to improving your love life or getting better health. The full story of how a couple learned to manifest success and abundance is in the instantly downloadable book. Now it is your turn to manifest wealth and success. You have been shown 'why' writing down goals is important to your small business success and your work at home self-employment. You have been given several lists as homework and examples to follow. Is there anything stopping you from doing the simple exercises? Why not take 20 minutes right now and start working the exercises? Besides manifesting outrageous success in your small business... you can even write down goals for your personal life, family relationships, your mental life, and your spiritual life. Keep your plan of action handy. Check off the list as you accomplish the things you need to do. Look at your list morning noon and night. It will give order to your plan. Outrageous success can be yours- accept it! Allow it! Embrace the lifestyle of your choice. You can do it! Start creating the life you want. Remember to celebrate (show gratitude) and count your blessings - everyday!
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