All about the Hybrid Car

By: Taylor Bamber

If it could be possible for everyone to use this fuel efficient transportation they would hardly be worry about rising gas prices and rising concern for pollution related climatic changes.

run an electric motor when accelerating during this time the gasoline side of the engine is shut down. When the batteries need to be charged again the gasoline engine wills start again. When the hybrid car brakes it usually will return to the electric motor side because of the lower amount of power needed when braking for an extended amount of time.

Hybrid cars are wonderful for the environment; they can get 55-60 miles per gallon in city driving.

That is more than three times better then many SUV’s! Hybrid cars are much better than electric cars because there is no need to recharge them. Electric cars need to be recharged anywhere from 50-100 miles. The hybrid engine can recharge itself with the gas side of it. So long distance travel is never a problem for the auto enthusiasts with today’s hybrid motors. Also another disadvantage of pure electric cars is most of them can only do about 60 miles per hour when the hybrid engine is not limited to lower highway speeds.

If you are looking for more information on these cutting edge cars I would start your research on the internet. On the net you can not only find some of the best information around you can also find some of the best prices on hybrid cars in your neighborhood. With net you browse hundreds of merchants with just a few key strokes.


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