It sounds so simple, but if you want to please your man then give him what he wants.? First, you must realize what he would actually buy for himself and what he would actually use.
1.?Sports Tickets- Ever been out to dinner and felt like you are competing with a TV for your man’s attention?? Let’s face it.? Your man would rather watch the game than hear about your friend’s failing love life.? I’m not saying he doesn’t care about what you have to say, but he has his priorities—and for most men, sports are at the top.? If your guy is a football fanatic, get him some NFL tickets.? Maybe he prefers hockey?? You can find some great deals on or eBay. People are always looking get rid of tickets last minute.
2.?Electronics- If your guy is a gamer then he is craving Halo 3.? Already have it?? Get him a gift card to EB Games or GameStop.? Is he a film buff?? Spend some time searching for one of his favorite director’s first flicks.? Ladies, this is a great way to impress your man.? Scrounging up a rare movie from the 80’s will score you major points.? Whether your man is a cinefile or audiophile, he will be realize and appreciate your scouring the planet his favorite artist’s early work—and you will be rewarded.
3.?Adventure- Does he always complain about work?? Maybe he needs a vacation.
We all need the occasional escape to clear our heads.? What better way then dashing off to a tropical island for a week?? A little vacation can rejuvenate him and can also rekindle the flame that used to be a burning forest fire.? Not a beach person?? Book a long weekend at a cozy mountain lodge.? There’s nothing like getting out on the slopes, cuddling by a fire, and drinking hot chocolate to cure those winter blues.? What man can turn down an adventure?
4.?Truck Accessories-? I have a friend whose girlfriend got him a cold air intake for Christmas.? At first I was a little confused, but then I thought, “Does she have a sister?"? He was really into his car, and you could tell he loved the present—probably because he always let you know where he got it.? I don’t think you can go wrong with an automotive accessory.? From my 2-year-old nephew to my grandpa, men of all ages love trucks.? If you are looking to drop a few bucks, consider getting him a nice set of rims or a full performance exhaust system.? The loud growl that aftermarket parts add to his truck’s sound will surely get his testosterone pumping.? But if you’re like me, and your pockets are running light around the holidays, you could get him a sturdy set of truck floor mats.? They may not be exciting, but they are useful and he will appreciate that.? At least they won’t be sitting in the back of his closet with the other hideous sweaters you picked out for him.
If all else fails swing by Victoria’s Secret, pick up the sexiest outfit you can find, cook him his favorite meal, and massage his back till your thumbs go numb.? I don’t think any man can argue with a good meal and a back rub.? Whatever you do
, don’t get him some couples treatment from a spa.? Facials and mud baths are for chicks.