Every fleet manager aspires to reduce the cost of fleet operation to improve the bottom line. Car alarms and vehicle security is an important part of this mandate. Company personnel depend on having access to reliable transport to be able to meet new clients, deliver products and attend important business events. Cars that end up stolen diminish productivity, can result in a loss of business opportunity and can necessitate costly replacement or retrieval costs. Fitting cars with a vehicle monitoring alarm makes good business and security sense to deter theft and protect company vehicle assets. The following article looks further into some of the advantages to having a car alarm installed. It’s no secret that a car thief prefers to choose an easy target. Cars that do not have any form of vehicle security are much easier targets than cars that have either an alarm or immobilizer installed. Whilst a car alarm won’t necessarily prevent a thief from smashing a car window to lift valuable property from the inside of the vehicle, many thieves will do a runner if they are startled by the sudden noise created by an alarm siren going off. Even if the thief does choose to proceed with car theft the crime could be short lived when the noise arouses sufficient attention.
Many cars come pre-fitted with factory installed alarms but with the cost of alarms now very affordable, cars that are not sufficiently protected may be entitled to an insurance premium reduction should you decide to install an alarm in the vehicle. Have you ever been unable to locate your vehicle in bad weather or been presented with the challenge of locating your vehicle in a sprawling car park? Many car alarms allow you to setoff the alarm manually from the push of a button. This is a cheeky way to locate your car. Whilst I am sure that passing pedestrians won’t be overly impressed it can be a lifesaver if a blizzard impairs your visibility or you simply can’t find the location of your vehicle in the car park. Do you live in an unsavory neighborhood or have to resort to using street parking late at night? Besides acting as a theft deterrent, car alarms are also a great personal security aid. Many females who feel vulnerable to this type of situation can greatly benefit from knowing they have the option to set off an alarm if there personal security is threatened. There is nothing more disconcerting to a potential offender than being startled in the middle of trying to perpetrate a crime. It could be just what you need to take your personal safety to the next level. Technology advancements in car alarms now result in several additional security features. With built in vehicle tracking, some alarms now posses GPS capability which permits an almost instantaneous pinpointing of a stolen vehicle. This not only aids quick recovery but can result in the capture of the offender. More advanced alarms now have mobile capability which allows the end user to exercise certain controls over the vehicles capability. This can include immobilizing a moving vehicle whilst it is in a stationary position. A car alarm is a precautionary measure that is often difficult to put a value on. You never know when you could be a victim of crime and whether the act will take place at a crucial point in your career. By having an alarm installed you put your best efforts forward to protect your property. When it comes to disposing of the vehicle
, an alarm is a feature that will also allow you to realize greater vehicle resale value. ?